Introducing the Creative Study Lounge

Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has come…kinda.

Over the past year, I have been bubbling on a concept that I need to bring forth called The Creative Study Lounge. Until now, I couldn’t properly conceptualize it for whatever reason, but recently, it has all come together when I thought of the three things that I’ve done pretty consistently:

Create. Study. Lounge.

So this is a soft launch to introduce you to the concept and the vibe. Over the next few months and weeks, you’ll see more from me and this project. For now, I’ll give you a little background.

It will consist of three parts:

  • For those of you who have suggested that I teach, the CSL will have a courses section where I will share with you some of the creative wisdom I’ve picked up over the years.

  • For those interested in clothing, fashion, merch, and style, I have a set of designs that will go along with the creative wisdom that we have bubbling up.

  • And possibly the most important part of this venture is the gathering of creatives that will be discussing and interacting with each other (like we used to do online).

Why now?

Well…Facebook, Instagram, Twitter / X, LinkedIn, and every other place feel hollow because they are pushed by companies that are profiting from you, your ideas, your time, and your attention. And they’re taking this profit to other entities. Their job is to bleed you dry. It’s taken a toll on me as well. Fortunately…

Iron sharpens iron.

In this landscape, I’ve found it more and more difficult to tap into my creativity, but I’ve found inspiration in friends and contemporaries that just want to create as well.

You’ll see more about this soon, but for now, know that we are here to grow.

For now, I have a sweet ceramic mug and a few shirts on the site for purchase. Memberships will be opened up soon, and the courses will be introduced this Fall.

Any questions?

I’d like to know how this sounds to you.

Reply to this email. and tell me your thoughts.
- What would you like to see in a creative community?
- What courses or learning resources would be interesting to you?
- What sweet merch would you want for Christmas?

Let me know!

Visit the Creative Study Lounge at


All Work Is Play. All of It.


My 9/11 Story