Society Is Doomed. But Creativity Can Save Us.

Society is DOOMED. 😱 And I’m not saying that to be sensational or because Hurricane Hilary passed by and caused damage. I say that because no matter where I turn, I seem to find an alarming lack of creativity.

Across the news, on social media, in common conversation, and layered across every aspect of the economy, there’s been a narrative of hopelessness that says we must buy, argue, complain, or work ourselves to a grind. And that’s all so we can pretend that we’re in a better situation. According to “them”, that’s our only option, and we should just give up since there’s nothing we can do about it.

Well, I don’t accept this premise at all. I believe that at our core, we are creative beings and that Life asks for our Creativity to be brought forth.

So yes, without creativity, I feel we are doomed to a toilet-bowl swirling existence leading to oblivion. How’d I come to such a dark conclusion? Well, in a recent interview with Black Menagerie PR, I was asked a question that I didn’t expect:

“What is creativity to you?”

Now I had been thinking about this very question for quite a while now, so I had some thoughts, but unitl that moment, I hadn’t expressed my feelings out loud or in any articulate way. But in the most truthful response that I could deliver at the moment, I replied,…

“Creativity is Life. They are synonymous to me.”

And I meant it.

Because when I speak of creativity, I am not referring to being weird, being able to come up with cute images, being quick on my feet in conversation, or even being artistic in any way.

At a more basic level, I believe that creatives are able to make use of available resources to create a thing where there once wasn’t such a thing. We take our natural Energy and transmute it into a variety of forms that suit us. That’s most all of us to some degree.

So where does this so-called “creativity” manifest? What examples are there?

  • We build communities

  • We construct buildings

  • We gather thoughts

  • We produce policies

  • We attract energies

  • We turn households into homes

  • We devise solutions

  • We make babies

  • We craft stories

  • We create art

…and so on.

In short, we create.

We ALL create.

If we are not creating, there’s a good chance that you’re dying.

It may sound hard to be creative, but once you believe it, you realize that Creativity has no gatekeepers. There is no one that can stop you from deciding to create. And if that sounds strange to you, then you just need to reframe how you think about it.

When I wake up every day, I look to create a good day, and all the good things that come with it. It doesn’t work all the time, but that’s the hope. (And I even wrote this on a Monday in a desire to start my week on a more creative note.)

Now, it’s on you to take the resources you have and to use them to your advantage without getting caught up in negative mental chatter that will derail you.

So to me, that’s is what creativity is all about.
Continually making things that change things.

I don’t know.

Maybe you have a different take on creativity. Let me know how you see it.

Go ahead. Comment Below.
We’re creating a dialogue here.


  • Hurricane Hilary Damage - ▶️


Wallowing In Self-Pity Is A Team Sport


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